CMFS Korea panel 'how to reduce facial with,
indication of aesthetic Orthognathic surgery'
Live surgery : Aesthetic facial bone surgery
2023 APS
Aesthetic orthognathic surgery for mid face reduction
2023 Simposium Asosiasi bedah kraniofasial Korea
Facial feminization with OGS
2022 Simposium Asosiasi bedah
plastik dan rekontruksi Korea
How to reduce THE facial width? How to reduce ICD?
2022 Asosiasi ahli bedah plastik,
pelatihan musim semi
Aesthetic orthognathic surgery
(limitations of facial contouring surgery)
2022 APS
Case based discussion : How to reduce facial width?
Reduction Malarplasty“Personal ideal osteotomy line”
: the importance of facial profile
2021 APS
Camouflage surgery in frontal bossing with forehead lifting
2021 Simposium Asan Plastic Surgery
Aesthetic facial bone surgery
2020 Asosiasi bedah plastik,
pelatihan major ke-3
Anthropometry cephalometr
and orthognathic surgery
Presentasi tentang
"Operasi dua rahang dan wajah asimetris"
2019 ISCFS
Presentasi tesis untuk
"Strategi pengoperasian ulang tulang pipi"
2019 Simposium untuk estetis,
rekontruksi di Asan Plastic Surgery
"Dari rahang hingga operasi kontruksi gigi"
2019 APS
Operasi tulang pipi dan revisi menggunakan
sayatan dalam mulut dan cambang
Presentasi untuk
"Rekontruksi dagu asimetris melalui operasi"
2018 Menghadiri pertemuan Asosiasi bedah plastik
dan estetis Korea
Presentasi untuk
"Operasi tulang pipi dan rahang bawah"
2017 Simposium musim semi Asosiasi bedah plastik
dan kraniofasial Korea
Presentasi "Operasi tulang pipi dengan
double-fixed lifting"
2016 Asosiasi Korean-Japan Plastic Surgery
di Kanazawa
"Operasi tulang pipi dengan double-fixed lifting"
2014 Asosiasi bedah plastik Korea
Presentasi "Operasi tulang pipi dengan
double-fixed lifting"
2013 Asosiasi bedah plastik Korea,
Konferensi Internaional musim gugur
Kelas untuk umum,
"Operasi dua rahang dan rahang"
2009 Asosiasi bedah plastik Korea,
Konferensi Internaional musim gugur
Presentasi "Rekontruksi operasi payudara"
"Strategi pengoperasian ulang tulang pipi"
2018 International Journal(SCI Journal) tesis JPRAS
Revision Malarplasty Utilizing Zygomatic Arch Lifting
Technique Based on Strategic Categorization
[Strategi pengoperasian ulang tulang pipi]
Hwang CH, Lee MC.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2017
Operasi tulang pipi dengan lifting
2016 International Journal(SCI Journal) tesis JPRAS
Reduction malarplasty using a zygomatic arch lifting technique.
[Operasi tulang pipi dengan lifting]
Hwang CH, Lee MC.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2016 Jun:69(6)809-818
doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2016.03.04. Epub 2016 Mar 23
Rekontruksi payudara dengan Teknik flap muskulus rektus abdominis
2014 Thesis Asoasiasi bedah plastik Korea
Immediate transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous
flap breast reconstruction in underweight Asian patients.
[Rekontruksi payudara dengan Teknik flap muskulus
rektus abdominis untuk pasien underweight]
Kim EK, Eom JS, Hwang CH, Ahn SH, Lee TJ.
Breast Cancer. 2014 Nov;21(6):693-7. doi: 10.1007/s12282-
013-0443-9. Epub 2013 Feb 7.
Skin flap
2010 Tesis Asosiasi microsurgery Korea
Alternative Regional Flaps When Anterolateral Thigh Flap
Perforator is not Feasible.
[Menggunakan metode skin flap untuk ALT Perforator Flap]
Hong JP, Kim EK, Kim H, Shin HW, Hwang CH, Lee MY.
J Hand Microsurg. 2010 Dec;2(2):51-7. doi:10.1007/
s12593-010-0014-7. Epub 2010 Oct 19.
Operasi memperbaiki bibir sumbing
2009 Tesis Asosiasi microsurgery Korea
Modified design of Cupid’s bow in the repair of unilateral
microform cleft lip: in case of deficient distance between
the midlline and the cleft side Cupid’s bow peak.
[Desain baru untuk memperbaiki bibir sumbing]
Koh KS, Hwang CH, Kim EK.
J Craniofac Surg. 2009 Sep;20(5):1367-9. doi:10.1097/
Studi tentang mengisi jaringan lunak dengan filler kalsium
Laporan fakutas kedokteran S2 SNU
Revision Malarplasty Utilizing Zygomatic Arch Lifting
Technique Based on Strategic Categorization
[Strategi pengoperasian ulang tulang pipi]
Hwang CH, Lee MC.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2017
Tr ansplantasi saraf untuk Bell's palsy
2013 Tesis Asosiasi microsurgery Korea
The orthodromic transfer of temporalis muscle technique
can produse prompt results by applying the natural
temporalis muscle vector. This technique preseves
residual facial nerve function in incomplete facial nerve
palsy patients and produces satisfying cosmetic outcomes
without malar muscle bulging, which often occurs in the
turn-over technique.
Perubahan rasio volume orbital
tergantung pada lokasi fraktur
2013 Tesis asosiasi bedah kranofasial Korea
The purposes of this study were to observe bony orbital
volume (OV) changes in pure blow-out fractures according
to fracture location using a facial computed tomographic
scan and to investigate whether the OV measurements can
be used as a quantitative value for the evaluation of the
surgical results of the acute blow-out fracture.
Transplantasi Rekontruksi payudara dengan
Teknik flap muskulus rektus abdominis
Tes is fakultas kedokteran S2 SNU
Breast mound reconstruction with soft autologous tissue
allowed for primary closure in most of the cases.
In all of the patients who survived, the contour of their
reconstructed breast remained.